Volume 27, Issue 4 p. 275-280

Stepped-care treatment of anxiety and depression in older adults: A narrative review

Denise Meuldijk PhD

Corresponding Author

Denise Meuldijk PhD

Centre for Emotional Health, Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Dr. Denise Meuldijk, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Psychology, Centre for Emotional Health, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia.

Email: denise.meuldijk@mq.edu.au

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Viviana M. Wuthrich PhD

Viviana M. Wuthrich PhD

Centre for Emotional Health, Department of Psychology, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

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First published: 19 August 2019
Citations: 15
Denise Meuldijk and Viviana M. Wuthrich contributed equally to this work.



Stepped care models are a possible solution to address service gaps in the provision of psychological therapies for anxiety and/or depression. The benefits may be particularly relevant for people in rural and remote areas and other under-serviced and/or hard to reach populations, such as older adults.


Narrative literature review.


Narrative literature review of the PubMed, Medline, and Psycinfo databases for studies reporting on the results of stepped care psychological interventions for older adults with anxiety and/or depressive symptoms.

Main outcomes

Seventy-seven papers were identified for evaluation of which nine papers met the study criteria (reporting on four individual trials).


We identified four controlled studies. Three of the four studies found stepped care intervention to be associated with significantly better clinical outcomes and cost-effectiveness compared to treatment as usual. Studies primarily targeted subthreshold symptoms, mostly in primary care. Various interventions and stepping models were used.


Stepped care has been associated with improved clinical outcomes and costs in older adults, particularly in primary care. There have been no rigorous studies of stepped delivery of psychological interventions to older depressed and anxious adults in alternative settings such as in specialist older adult mental health services or in private clinics. Although the evidence-base for stepped care interventions is growing, it is not clear what evidence-based treatment model should be adopted and in what services it could apply. More research is needed. However, the evidence to date is promising and suggests that stepped care approaches are feasible in older adults, and are likely to increase access to high quality interventions for older adults living in rural communities.


The authors declare there is no conflict of interest to be disclosed.

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