Volume 18, Issue 1 p. 18-29
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Integrating the principles of transference-focused psychotherapy with psychiatric consultation for patients admitted to a general hospital: A clinical application of a psychotherapeutic tool

Maria Moscara

Corresponding Author

Maria Moscara

Psychiatrist, Società Psicoanalitica Italiana (SPI) and IPA.

Department of Mental Health and Drug Abuse, Modena Health Agency, Modena, Italy


Maria Moscara, Psychiatrist Department of Mental Health and Drug Abuse, Modena Health Agency, Via Carbonieri, 47, 41124, Modena, Italy.

Email: moscaramaria@gmail.com

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Elisa Bergonzini

Elisa Bergonzini

Psychologist, Training in TFP.

Department of Mental Health and Drug Abuse, Modena Health Agency, Modena, Italy

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First published: 13 July 2020
Citations: 3


In the general hospital (GH), medical staff can find it difficult to establish collaborative relationships with patients exhibiting challenging behavior or personalities. Furthermore many of these patients need complex medical diagnoses and treatments. This paper illustrates an application of the principles of transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) in a psychiatric consultation for a patient with cardiac disease and poor adherence to medical recommendations. Among the principles of TFP illustrated are technical neutrality and the three channels of communication – verbal communication, nonverbal communication and countertransference. In addition, the paper shows the use of catamnesis, or the patient's report of their medical history and prior medical treatments. TFP principles allow the psychiatrist to assess the structure of the patient's personality and to help the medical staff to manage their relationship with the patient. TFP principles can be useful tools for psychiatrists working in consultation – liaison services in a general hospital.


No conflict of interest.

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