Volume 68, Issue 1 p. 63-77

Children's Career Expectations and Parents' Jobs: Intergenerational (Dis)continuities

Íris M. Oliveira

Corresponding Author

Íris M. Oliveira

Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, Braga, Portugal

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Íris M. Oliveira, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, Campus Camões, 4710-362 Braga, Portugal (email: imoliveira@braga.ucp.pt).Search for more papers by this author
Erik J. Porfeli

Erik J. Porfeli

Department of Human Sciences, Ohio State University

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Maria do Céu Taveira

Maria do Céu Taveira

School of Psychology, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

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Bora Lee

Bora Lee

Department of Education, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

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First published: 10 March 2020
Citations: 12

This work was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology through a doctoral grant (SFRH/BD/84162/2012), with the support of national funds from the Ministry of Education and Science as well as the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Program.


Children develop career expectations as they increase self-knowledge and perceive societal affordances and barriers to life roles. Parents are powerful agents in the socialization of children to work, transmitting occupational concepts that influence children's career development. The authors used Gottfredson's (1981) and Holland's (1973) theories to test associations between children's career expectations and parents' jobs in terms of gender, prestige, and interest typology among same-sex and cross-sex child-parent dyads. Data were collected from 185 Portuguese children (51.4% boys, 48.6% girls; Mage = 10.41 years) from 2-parent families. Children reported their parents' jobs and shared personal career expectations. Correlation and linear regression results indicated that fathers' male-dominated jobs put boys at risk of gender-based circumscription of career expectations. An intergenerational cycle of prestige inequalities was also evidenced, although parents seemed to support children's exploration of various interest areas. Future research could explore these relationships across family structures. Practice should foster children's in-breadth career exploration and engage parents as key partners.

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