Volume 29, Issue 4 e2178

Perspective-shifting discourse training to improve young Japanese children's understanding of theory of mind

Hiromi Tsuji

Corresponding Author

Hiromi Tsuji

Department of Psychology, Osaka Shoin Women's University, Higashi Osaka, Japan


Hiromi Tsuji, Osaka Shoin Women's University, 4-2-26 Hishiyanishi, Higashi Osaka 577 8550, Japan.

Email: tsuji.hiromi@osaka-shoin.ac.jp

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First published: 08 March 2020
Citations: 1
The author confirms that there are no known conflicts of interest associated with this publication and there has been no significant financial support for this work that could have influenced its outcome.

Funding information: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grant/Award Numbers: 16K04327, 19K03274, 24530843


The development of a mind-reading ability, known as theory-of-mind (ToM), has been recognized as following a universal process, but the age at which the false-belief task is passed has been reported to have wide inter-group variabilities. Japanese children have been reported to acquire a false-belief understanding at a slightly older age than their western counterparts. The present study investigated the extent to which Japanese-children's understanding of ToM could be brought forward by using perspective-shifting training in conversational discourses. Japanese children aged 4.5 years-old, but not 4.0 years-old, improved their false-belief understanding after the training. However, this improvement was limited to their understanding of representation-change. Although it is hard to isolate the influence of language experiences and socio-culture aspects, training with perspective-shifting discourses in interactive contexts was effective in enhancing the development of mind-reading for 4.5 year old Japanese children.


This study investigated the benefits of perspective-shifting training in conversational discourses for Japanese-children's theory-of-mind (ToM) understanding.

Japanese children aged 4.5 years-old, but not 4.0 years-old, improved their false-belief understanding after the training.

Perspective-shifting discourse training lowers the age at which Japanese children can understand ToM.


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