Volume 22, Issue S1 e12403

Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection

Christophe Burucoa

Corresponding Author

Christophe Burucoa

EA 4331 LITEC, University of Poitiers, CHU Poitiers, Poitiers, France


Christophe Burucoa, Laboratoire de Bactériologie, University of Poitiers, CHU de Poitiers, Poitiers, France.

Email: Christophe.burucoa@univ-poitiers.fr

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Anthony Axon

Anthony Axon

University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

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First published: 10 September 2017
Citations: 136


The study of Helicobacter pylori genetic variability brought us interesting data on the history of mankind. Based on multilocus sequence typing and more recently on whole-genome sequencing, paleomicrobiology still attracts the attention of global researchers in relation to its ancestor roots and coexistence with humans. Three studies determining the prevalence of virulence factors illustrates the controversial results obtained since 30 years by studies trying to associate prevalence of different virulence markers and clinical outcomes of H. pylori infection. Three articles analyzed the prevalence and risk of multiple (genetically distinct isolates) and mixed (susceptible and resistant isolates) infections. A number of studies confirm that H. pylori prevalence is falling worldwide especially in the developed world and in children but that the level of infection is higher in certain ethnic minorities and in Migrants. There is little new in identifying the mode of H. pylori transmission though intrafamilial spread appears to be important. There have, however, been some interesting papers on the presence of the organism in food, water, and the oral cavity.

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