Volume 70, Issue 4 p. 426-445
Original Article

Free Trade Agreement with Endogenous Market Structure

Lijun Pan

Lijun Pan

Nanjing University and Osaka University

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Takatoshi Tabuchi

Takatoshi Tabuchi

University of Tokyo

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First published: 01 November 2018
Citations: 1

[Correction added on 8 November 2018, after first online publication: ‘Osaka University’ was added to Lijun Pan's affiliations.]


We examine the incentives of free trade agreement (FTA) formation between two countries under endogenous market structure with leaders and followers. We demonstrate that establishing a FTA is neither an equilibrium outcome nor socially optimal when consumer demand and fixed cost are intermediate, products are close substitutes and countries are asymmetrical. This is because the FTA induces exit of followers, which makes the market less competitive and shrinks the leader’s production both in the domestic and foreign markets. We also show that large developing countries are less likely to establish a FTA than small developed countries.

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