Volume 41, Issue 4 p. 432-457
Original Article

The Coproduction of Primary and Secondary Legislation: Israel as a Case Study of Substitutive Relationships

Nir KostiDavid Levi-Faur

Corresponding Author

David Levi-Faur

Address correspondence to Nir Kosti, Hebrew University of Jerusalem—Department of Political Science, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel. Telephone: +972 525424395; Email: nir.kosti@mail.huji.ac.il.Search for more papers by this author
First published: 03 October 2019
Citations: 8
This research was supported by the following Israeli Science Foundation Grants: ISF 324/2018, and 1029/2015. We would like to acknowledge comments and useful suggestions by David M. Driesen, Guy Mor, Hanan Haber, two anonymous reviewers, and the editors of the journal.


Much has been written since the early 1980s about the costs of regulation and the various ways to curb them, but thus far no one has examined empirically the rise or decline of other forms of legislation, mainly primary legislation, in the context of the “war on regulation.” This article examines the extent to which the decline in the rate of production of secondary legislation in Israel since 1985 has been driven by changes in the rate of production of primary legislation. Using an original longitudinal data set, we count, codify various dimensions, and compare the type and length of primary and secondary legislations and the number of delegated provisions that primary legislations contain. We find that the relationship between primary and secondary legislation is not hierarchic, as one might have expected, but has become partially substitutive. The decline in the rate of production of secondary legislation in Israel is, perhaps paradoxically, associated with the rise of primary legislation. This opens a new research agenda on the relationships between primary and secondary legislation that goes well beyond the Israeli case.

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