Volume 30, Issue 3 p. 961-994

Dividend policy and capital structure of a defaultable firm

Alex S. L. Tse

Corresponding Author

Alex S. L. Tse

Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London, London, UK


Alex S. L. Tse, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK.

Email: a.tse@imperial.ac.uk

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First published: 04 March 2020
Citations: 2


Default risk significantly affects the corporate policies of a firm. We develop a model in which a limited liability entity subject to default at an exponential random time jointly sets its dividend policy and capital structure to maximize the expected lifetime utility from consumption of risk-averse equity investors. We give a complete characterization of the solution to the singular stochastic control problem. The optimal policy involves paying dividends to keep the ratio of firm's equity value to investors' wealth below a critical threshold. Dividend payout acts as a precautionary channel to transfer wealth from the firm to investors for mitigation of losses in the event of default. Higher the default risk, more aggressively the firm leverages and pays dividends.


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