Volume 30, Issue 4 p. 1309-1336

No-arbitrage implies power-law market impact and rough volatility

Paul Jusselin

Paul Jusselin

École Polytechnique, CMAP, Palaiseau Cedex, France

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Mathieu Rosenbaum

Corresponding Author

Mathieu Rosenbaum

École Polytechnique, CMAP, Palaiseau Cedex, France


Mathieu Rosenbaum, École Polytechnique, CMAP, Route de Saclay, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France.

Email: mathieu.rosenbaum@polytechnique.edu

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First published: 24 March 2020
Citations: 21

Funding information:

ERC Grant 679836 Staqamof and Chair Analytics and Models for Regulation.


Market impact is the link between the volume of a (large) order and the price move during and after the execution of this order. We show that in a quite general framework, under no-arbitrage assumption, the market impact function can only be of power-law type. Furthermore, we prove this implies that the macroscopic price is diffusive with rough volatility, with a one-to-one correspondence between the exponent of the impact function and the Hurst parameter of the volatility. Hence, we simply explain the universal rough behavior of the volatility as a consequence of the no-arbitrage property. From a mathematical viewpoint, our study relies, in particular, on new results about hyper-rough stochastic Volterra equations.

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