Volume 56, Issue 3 2000190

How to Manage a Crystallization Process Aimed at Obtaining a Desired Combination of Number of Crystals and Their Distribution by Size: Learn Here

Christo N. Nanev

Corresponding Author

Christo N. Nanev

Rostislaw Kaischew Institute of Physical Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 1113 Bulgaria

E-mail: nanev@ipc.bas.bg

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First published: 18 January 2021
Citations: 3


Managing a crystallization process adequately, it is possible to obtain a crystalline product having the desired crystal size distribution. Recommendations for selecting crystallization parameters that are needed to achieve this goal are given basing of a theoretical analysis in which special attention is paid to the growth of crystals from solutions with a preset concentration. Mathematical equations which enable calculation of the theoretical yield for the crystallization process have been elaborated. New formula giving the crystal nuclei number per unit volume as a function of both supersaturation and nucleation time has been devised based on the logistic kinetics of crystal nucleation proceeding under constant supersaturation. The quantitative relation between number density and mean size of crystals growing in batch crystallization is calculated. The calculation shows that the mean size of crystals reached at any time of their growth is inversely proportional to root third of the crystal number density.

Conflict of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.

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